Tuesday, December 04, 2007

the words we use

1. Sunday morning, we were getting ready to go to church. Dixie put on an outfit that had the magic combination of black bottom and black top. Winner. It also had this nice gray frilly, wintery, I don't know how to describe it thing around the neck. I like it. I told Lyla, "Look, your mommy looks like a black snow angel."

Somehow, that compliment didn't totally land in the exact place I tried to throw it.

2. Dinner talk last night. Lyla, to me: "What's five + five?" Me: "I dunno, 26?" She corrected me. "Ten."


Lyla: "What's one plus fart?"

3. Later in the same meal when had a discussion about "political correctness." Here is where we kind of got to, regarding it's features:
  • The rules change and lose their meaning
  • Using politically correct speech does nothing to change the heart of the speaker
  • It creates unnecessary barriers
  • It may be an necessary evil (but let's not go back to the discussion of evil).
4. The other night, Jay had us sit down and write a note to one of our kids, letting him know how we feel about him, and why we are proud of him. It was a reminder to me that words of blessing are powerful, both for the giver and the receiver.

What are your thoughts about the words we use?

1 comment:

Phil Hoover said...

Great blog...I LIKE IT!

Have a wonderful holiday season!