Friday, December 21, 2007

may have to wait a few days

Well, our plans didn't pan out exactly. My grown-up kids went over to my sister's house for some kind of Christmas get together, and they didn't return until around 11:00. Um...too late for Schindler. We'll see how things go this weekend.

Sarah had a work engagement, so Ryan stayed for dinner. That was nice. We made some Chicken Marsala as a team. Me = pounding / cooking the chicken and Dixie = spaghetti and crafting the (delicious) sauce for the marsala. It was kind of like an impromptu thing, which made it much more fun.

Also, I experimented with garlic cheese biscuits, once again drawing the usual criticism from my children that I had become "obsessed." That means that I have done an activity more than once in perhaps a month. So they say, "Dad, you're obsessed with biscuits now." Whatever. The biscuits I have been making of late (and yes, I am trying to perfect them) use buttermilk and self-rising flour. I keep self-rising flour on hand, but not buttermilk. But I bought some buttermilk to make a pie, so I have a carton in the fridge. My thought is that before the buttermilk I have goes bad, I should try to use it. I'm just trying to be a good steward. And if that makes me obsessed, then that is a good kind of obsession - using the resources all the way. Also, not one person complains when they are stuffing their yapping little faces full of glorious biscuit.

Next time, I shall use more garlic and more cheese. Still, they were good.

I've told you nothing in this post save the unimpressive details of what turned into a very pleasant evening. Schindler can wait a few days. I'll be ready for the experience.

Today, we should probably buy a couple of things.

Have a good one, yall.


john evans said...

Hey Greg, Funny, I was wanting to watch Schindler’s List with my kids just the other day. Haven’t yet but maybe over Christmas. Just saw a clip recently, actually at a church I was visiting, that made me quite teary eyed--which is a very unusual experience for me! It’s at the end when Schindler is surrounded by people he helped and could have easily been filled with pride but instead breaks down in tears for not doing enough. Very moving. That’s one tough movie.
Not easy to watch but so important to.

john evans said...

Hey Greg, Funny, I was wanting to watch Schindler’s List with my kids just the other day. Haven’t yet but maybe over Christmas. Just saw a clip recently, actually at a church I was visiting, that made me quite teary eyed--which is a very unusual experience for me! It’s at the end when Schindler is surrounded by people he helped and could have easily been filled with pride but instead breaks down in tears for not doing enough. Very moving. That’s one tough movie.
Not easy to watch but so important to.

Anonymous said...

Well said.