Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sunday March 1, 2009

trying again

The constant influx of new and improved technology has caused me to reorder my private and public worlds over and over again. At times, this beats me down. I feel inadequate, and I feel like I am missing something or that I will miss something if I don't really watch it. As I have explored other blogging avenues and all that kind of stuff, my good ol' Xanga has pretty much fallen to the wayside.

This is no surprise to you. Many who have read these rants have long since abandoned them to pursue things that help you make your way in the world. I don't blame you.

I'm thinking that I will try again, at least for a season. No promises. I have enough guilt triggers, thanks. I'm simply letting you in on my plan.

My plan is to create blog entries here and let them find their way to facebook, blogger, yada. Sort of like back to basics. I hope my writing improves, and I hope that I can say things that I want to say. I hope you will consider them. I'm not offended if you don't. I "follow" hundreds of blogs. I miss lots of stuff. I don't need to explain any of this any further. You get it.

Since this is my "I'm going to start blogging more" entry, I don't have to actually have content. So you're welcome.

Next time. Next time.


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