Monday, December 10, 2007

monday of a new week

I just asked my daughter what I should post about today. Her response was absolutely inspiring:

"I don't know."

Well, I don't either, but that rarely stops me from putting something out anyway. Let's start with the weather. It's amazing how 100 miles can make a big difference. Personally, I'm loving these 40-ish and 50-ish degree days. Secondly, I loved after church yesterday (when people were telling me how much they loved the special music by Jessi) getting to tell them that we "met her on the internet..." Go internet! Thirdly, I gotta tell you that it is fun to talk about the Cowboys these days. Especially to the haters. Fun.

Well, that's a start. I hope this week is a good one for you. I plan on being particularly productive. How about you?

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